Bitte laden Sie weder den Sonderantrag (sog. Approfondissement des problématiques soulevées par l'usage de ces méthodes. EDU 8908 Internat en counselling et en supervision / Internship in Counselling and Supervision. EDU 5260 Introduction to Curriculum Studies (3 units). Examination and critique of current scholarship from multiple research traditions in counselling and supervision; implications for counselling and supervisory practice. Critical analysis of selected topics and their implications for health professions education. EDU 7696 Techniques d'analyse de documents en recherche éducationnelle (3 crédits). Bitte beachten Sie die Links und Hinweise auf Ihrem Bescheid. Stage clinique supervisé d'un minimum de 200 heures dans un centre offrant des services de counselling personnel et/ou de carrière. with major-research paper (MRP) option combines courses and research to specialize in a field and acquire research skills, eventually giving you access to the Ph.D. All candidates for the Master of Education degree (M.Ed.) Étude des principales approches en counselling et psychothérapie dans un contexte d'acquisition des techniques d'interventions qui y sont associées. Bitte halten Sie für dieses Verfahren Unterlagen zum Uploaden in Form von PDF-Dateien bereit. EDU 5391 Interaction of Research and Practice (3 units). Critical examination of current literature on managing change in educational organizations; theories of change, restructuring, organizational reform and improvement. Examination of the development of mathematical thinking with respect to a variety of concepts that appear in school mathematics curricula. Activities include preparation of a research proposal, analysis of data, submission of the major research paper, and an oral presentation of the research. The Faculty of Education also publishes annually two issues of our open access online journal, the Education Review, and organizes two conferences annually as part of our Excellence in Education Series. EDU 8002 Lecture dirigée / Directed (3 crédits / 3 units), EDU 8105 Contemporary Issues in Education (3 units), Examination of current issues in education from multiple research traditions; exploration of students' prospective PhD projects in relation to major trends in educational research. Étude des interactions entre la structure organisationnelle des entités scolaires et les comportements des acteurs. University of Ottawa's Facebook profile, Human Relations in Educational Administration, Introduction to Educational Administration, Internationalization of Curriculum Studies, Student Assessment Strategies for Health Professions Education, Managing Change in Educational Organizations, Curriculum, Politics and Policy in Education, Program Evaluation: Theory and Contemporary Issues, Inquiries in Between Curriculum, Culture and Language, Selected Topics in Leadership, Evaluation, Curriculum and Policy Studies. Examination of theory for current practices related to curriculum design in health professions. Nature and role of formative assessment in instructional settings; conditions and contexts favorable for effective use of assessment for learning. Fächerübergreifende Studienberatung der Philosophischen Fakultät; Liste der Fachberater*innen; Studieninteressierte. TUM School of Education Due to the current situation, the application deadlines for Master's programs for the winter semester 2020/21 will be extended once until June 30, 2020. For the most accurate and up to date information on application deadlines, language tests and other admission requirements, please visit the specific requirements webpage. Study of functions and tasks, and the various roles of adult educators as volunteers, as trainers, as teachers of adults, as researchers; examination of the pre service and on going training of adult educators and professionalization in adult education. EDU 6109 Youth Culture, Popular Culture and Pedagogy (3 units). (Teaching, Learning and Evaluation) Research in health and physical education and their implications for pedagogy. EDU 6604 Développement de l'adulte (3 crédits). Studiengang Master of Education (M.Ed.) The requirements for admission listed below are minimum requirements and do not guarantee admission to the program. The Master of Education (M.Ed. Applications for admission will not be considered until all supporting documents have been received. The study of economics will provide you with the essential knowledge, methods and theoretical background in the areas of economics and business administration. Master of Arts / M.A. EDU 5202 Teaching Strategies for Health Professions Education (3 units). Examen des divers concepts associé à la littératie et leurs rapports avec la construction de la personne en lien avec le langage et l'identité ethnique et sociale. Étude de leur influence sur l'apprentissage et l'enseignement d'une langue seconde. Die bei der Bewerbung bereits hochgeladenen Unterlagen müssen Sie NICHT noch zusätzlich in Papierform einreichen. Différents modèles d'intervention associés au développement d'habiletés interpersonnelles et sociales des élèves. Curriculum Studies includes, but is not limited to investigations into: teacher education, the social construction or knowledge, curriculum and instructional discourses, and the role of curriculum and curricular reform in K–12 and other learning environments. Initiation aux banques de données informatisées. Bitte verwenden Sie die folgenden Bewerbungsformulare: Bewerbungsantrag Master höhere Fachsemester Zusatzblatt über bisher erbrachte Prüfungs- und Studienleistungen. Theoretical perspectives in various areas of the field of literacy. EDU 5590 Introduction à la recherche en éducation (3 crédits). Contact EDU 6508 Perspectives de la didactique du français langue seconde en contextes nationaux (3 crédits). Étude de l'impact des changements sociaux, technologiques, économiques, législatifs et médiatiques sur l'éducation. Exploration of the fundamental concepts necessary to understand program development in adult education; review of conceptual frameworks for planning, recruitment, evaluation and research on program implementation and program building, procedures for making programs more meaningful to adult learners. EDU 6193 Foundations of Measurement and Testing (3 units). Examens des aspects sociaux et politiques inhérents à l'apprentissage et à l'enseignement d'une langue seconde en contexte éducatif. EDU 5635 La politique et l'éducation (3 crédits). Nach dem Abschluss des Verfahrens erhalten Sie einen Bescheid, der online zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Examen des principaux modèles, rôles et pratiques du leadership. EDU 6670 Counselling et orientation auprès des groupes minoritaires (3 crédits). Student Advice Centre (ZSB) Service Centre ; Paderborn Centre for Educational Research and Teacher Training - PLAZ-Professional School; … Identification et analyse des principales problématiques reliées à l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage des sciences. Extended Program courses can be taken concurrently with regular M.Ed. (Open to MEd Students with permission of the program director). Study of their influences on the processes of learning and teaching a second/additional language in educational context. Critical analysis of diagnostic features and assessment of psychological disorders including: etiology, symptomatology, prevalence, as well as the methods and instruments for clinical evaluation. Examen de la qualité des instruments élaborés. Étude des dimensions entrant en jeu dans la gestion des apprentissages en milieu éducatif et scolaire. Étude des principes, politiques et concepts courants en évaluation des apprentissages. The corresponding module handbook, which is designed as a special version of the handbook for the Master of Education English, offers an overview of all the modules for the third subject English (M.Ed. EDU 5501 Perspectives en éducation (3 crédits). Étude de la nature et du rôle de l'évaluation formative des apprentissages scolaires. EDU 8505 Questions contemporaines en éducation (3 crédits), Examen critique des questions contemporaines et interdisciplinaires en éducation selon diverses traditions de recherche. Universität Hamburg offers more than 170 degree programs. EDU 6203 Learning and Literacies (3 units). (Ce cours est réservé aux étudiants inscrits au programme prolongé de la M.Éd). Erweiterungsfach Englisch Hauptfachumfang). Analyse des savoirs, des savoir-être et des savoir-faire des formateurs. Utilisation systématique des principaux tests psychométriques requis par les associations et ordres professionnels. Critique des avant-projets doctoraux en fonction des tendances en recherche éducationnelle. EDU 6511 Enseignement et apprentissage des littératies en langues secondes selon les contextes culturels (3 crédits). EDU 6107 Health and Physical Education Pedagogy (3 units). Studierendensekretariat Wilhelmstraße 11 - Erdgeschoss 72074 Tübingen, Kontakt per Telefon: +49 7071 29-74444 Montag bis Freitag: 8.30 Uhr - 11.30 Uhr Montag bis Donnerstag: 13.00 Uhr - 15.00 Uhr, Informationen zum Master of Education (M.Ed. Analyse de diverses perspectives en histoire de l'éducation. Rôle des littératies écologiques et scientifiques. Hier geht es zum Härtefallantrag. Examination of selected approaches to leadership theory, training, and practice pertinent to the challenges of administration in contemporary educational organizations. Exploration of concepts related to curricular reform, implementation of changes in education, selection of approaches to enable learning, and development of valid methods for evaluation of learning and programs of studies in the health professions. EDU 8653 Séminaire sur les processus cognitifs dans divers contextes éducatifs (3 crédits). Research, theory and practice concerning the use of emerging technologies to facilitate learning; the impact of new media on teaching and learning strategies, on curriculum change, on learner attitudes and motivation, and on higher order learning. EDU 7397 Data Collection Instruments (3 units). EDU 7150 Selected Topics in Teaching and Learning (3 units), EDU 7151 Sociocultural Perspectives on Learning (3 units). Étude du contexte juridique et législatif du counselling et de la psychothérapie. (Ouvert aux étudiantes et étudiants du M. Éd. Study of second language policy and how it affects program design and implementation; needs analysis, setting goals and objectives, syllabus design, materials development and classroom implementation; learning assessment, program evaluation and revision. Bitte prüfen Sie regelmäßig Eintragungen in Ihrem Bewerbungsportal. EDU 5146 Social and Political Issues in Second Language Education (3 units). Bitte geben Sie bei Anfragen Ihre Bewerber- oder Matrikelnummer an, sofern vorhanden. Prerequisite: one of EDU 5260, EDU 5262 or EDU 5265, EDU 6470 Multicultural Counselling (3 units). EDU 5832 Développement des relations avec la communauté scolaire (3 crédits). Fondements théoriques et enjeux actuels de l'approche inclusive à l'éducation. EDU 6293 Assessment for Learning (3 units). Prerequisites: (EDU 5271 or EDU 5671) , (EDU 5471 or EDU 5871). The procedures, contents and requirements of examinations of degree programmes with a State Examination are stipulated by the State (in contrast to Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programmes). EDU 5265 Internationalization of Curriculum Studies (3 units). Exploration of principles of effective program evaluation methods; planning; instrument development; data collection, processing and analysis; reporting and follow-up; survey of diverse models of evaluation. EDU 5582 Modèles médiatisés d'enseignement (3 crédits). Aperçu de l'organisation et du fonctionnement des services d'orientation et d'information scolaires et professionnelles. Before submitting your application, make sure you read and understand the admission process described on the Faculty of Education webpage. Die Technische Universität Darmstadt bietet für das Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen Abschlüsse im zweistufigen Bachelor-Master-System an. „Härtefallantrag“) stellen, so reichen Sie diesen und die dazu benötigten Nachweise in amtlich beglaubigter Kopie zusammen mit Ihrer Bewerbung fristgerecht ein. Uniweb does not list all professors authorized to supervise research projects at the University of Ottawa. Exploration of practical and theoretical issues relevant to counselling individuals, groups, and families from diverse cultural backgrounds. EDU 5660 Théorie et pratique des programmes d'études (3 crédits). EDU 8190 Qualitative Research II (3 units). Für zulassungsfreie Fächer können Sie sich anhand eines Umschreibeantrags ohne vorherige Bewerbung zusätzlich einschreiben, sobald Sie offiziell im Master of Education immatrikuliert sind. EDU 6672 Modèles et stratégies d'intervention en contexte de counselling scolaire (3 crédits). EDU 5471 Skill Development in Counselling and Psychotherapy (3 units). EDU 5701 Principes de planification systématique en enseignement aux professionnels de la santé, partie I (3 crédits). Vue d'ensemble du domaine de l'éducation : concepts clés, pratiques professionnelles, différents acteurs et organisations en éducation; examen des divers contextes éducationnels et leur place dans la société; discussions critiques des grands débats historiques et contemporains en éducation. ), © 2021 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Besonderheiten bei der Bewerbung Master of Education-Erweiterungsfach, Coronavirus research at the University of Tübingen, Corona virus: Information for researchers, Studiengänge in Kooperation mit anderen Universitäten, Master’s studies at the University of Tübingen, Schlüsselqualifikationen: Das Studium Professionale, Doctoral studies at the University of Tübingen, Progressing successfully through your studies, Transregional Collaborative Research Centers (CRC-TRRs), Funding and support for junior researchers, I – Development, Structure and Legal Affairs, Division VIII – Construction, Safety, and Environment, Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies, Dr. Eberle Zentrum für digitale Kompetenzen, European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan, Informations-, Kommunikations- und Medienzentrum (IKM), International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities, Zentrum für Evaluation und Qualitätsmanagement, Center for Gender and Diversity Research (ZGD), Ansprechpersonen für Fragen im Zusammenhang mit sexueller Belästigung, Programs and modules for international students, Getting started and orientation for international students, Corona virus: Information for students from abroad (incomings), After your studies for international students, Advice and counseling for international students, Coronavirus: Informationen für Tübinger Studierende im Ausland (Outgoings), Sozialpädagogik / Pädagogik Berufliches Lehramt, Bewerbungsantrag Master höhere Fachsemester, Zusatzblatt über bisher erbrachte Prüfungs- und Studienleistungen, Search for persons at the University (EPV). EDU 5631 Comportement organisationnel (3 crédits). Critical study of adult characteristics, motivation, gender roles and other concepts related to development. Eine Übersicht der angebotenen Studiengänge inkl. Die Bewerbung erfolgt über ein Onlineportal. For more information about graduate studies at the University of Ottawa, please refer to your academic unit. Global British Studies. EDU 5585 Psychopédagogie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence (3 crédits). Exploration de l'apprentissage à distance, de l'apprentissage en ligne ainsi que des simulations à basse et haute-fidélité. However, all Extended Program requirements must be completed before students are permitted to enroll in EDU 5199 or EDU 6290 (as per the student option). EDU 6472 Seminar and Practicum in Group Counselling (3 units). University of Ottawa's LinkedIn profile, Visit the ), coursework option, is a course-based program designed to deepen your knowledge of education, improve your professional practice and expand your career choices. Thèmes variés choisis pour une étude approfondie. The master’s study program “Teacher Training for Vocational Schools�? Für zulassungsfreie Fächer können Sie sich anhand eines Umschreibeantrags ohne vorherige Bewerbung zusätzlich einschreiben, sobald Sie offiziell im Master of Education immatrikuliert sind. aller Änderungen) Planungshilfe der Studienrichtungsvertretung; … In the Master of Education, students may also pursue studies in a third subject (Erweiterungsfach).English may only be studied as a major. This means the examination requirements are governed centrally by state law or directives. Theories of "race", racism and antiracism in education; exploration of the challenges of anti-racist education and change. New students; University Library; Course catalog; PAUL - campus management system; PANDA - learning platform; Examinations; Internships; Language courses; Advice and support. Mit Erfahrungsberichten, NC-Liste und zulassungsfreien Studiengängen. Initiation à la sélection, à l'administration et à l'interprétation des principaux tests associés à la psychologie du counselling et au counselling professionnel (planification de carrière, intérêts, aptitudes, attitudes, valeurs). ), coursework option, is a course-based program designed to deepen your knowledge of education, improve your professional practice and expand your career choices. EDU 5230 Leadership in Educational Organizations (3 units). EDU 6693 Évaluation axée sur l'apprentissage (3 crédits). Unterlagen, die nach den jeweiligen Fristen eingehen, dürfen nicht berücksichtigt werden. (This course is reserved for students in the M.Ed. The prerequisite for admission to the Master's program is the completion of a relevant Bachelor's program of at least six semesters' duration with a grade of 2.5 or better and with proof of a basic knowledge of the basic subjects German, mathematics and subject teaching, as well as a further subject, including a major subject Stratégies de solution de problèmes, de gestion de classe, de résolution de conflits et de gestion du temps. Analyse des conditions de production du savoir scientifique dans divers contextes socio-culturels. Étude des différents systèmes provinciaux. Examination of the strengths, challenges, limitations and possibilities for enhancing research-based practice and practitioner-relevant research using quantitative and/or qualitative research. Computer Science – Master of Education (Secondary education) The Master of Education (MEd) in Computer Science follows the Bachelor of Education (BEd) and complements your teacher education Lehramt Gymnasium. Approfondissement de problématiques en salle de classe et en contexte des évaluations à grande échelle. EDU 5630 Le leadership en milieu éducatif (3 crédits). Examination of counselling and psychotherapy models, methods and skills; focus on developing personal resources in verbal and non-verbal communication within counselling and psychotherapy models. The MEd program is designed for you — a working professional in education, administration, training, or employee development — who wants to assume a position as an educational leader and researcher in education, health care, private industry or government. Survey of the theories, research, and practices that have shaped the field of educational administration as both an applied profession and as an area of scholarly inquiry; implications for people, educational structures, and institutional purposes. Lehramt (Master of Education) Studienberatung. EDU 7588 Thèmes choisis en enseignement et apprentissage (3 crédits), EDU 7590 Recherche qualitative I (3 crédits). Voraussetzung für die Ein- bzw. EDU 5271 Counselling and Psychotherapy: Theories and Practices I (3 units). Exploration of diversity and education from cultural, economic, historical and political perspectives including critical pedagogy and pedagogies of transformation. Examination of the ways in which curriculum works to reproduce and/or suppress certain identities; interdisciplinary inquiries into how current curricular language is situated in relation to identity formations; deconstruction of the marginalization of identities across various curricular contexts. um. Conception et révision de modèles d'enseignement et de leurs liens avec la gestion des apprentissages. EDU 5253 Theories of Learning Applied to Teaching (3 units). Bewerbungen für Studiengänge mit Abschluss Master of Education-Erweiterungsfach sind nur für zulassungsbeschränkte Fächer nötig. EDU 5160 Mathematical Thinking Across the Mathematics Curriculum (3 units). Master of Education (Lehramt) Studieninteressierte und Bewerbung; Studienbeginn; Lehrveranstaltungen; Prüfungen; Master of Education Informatik. Lehramt für Sonderpädagogik - Sekundarstufe. Graded S (Satisfactory) / NS (Not satisfactory). / Internship of 600 hours of counselling and counsellor supervision in approved settings; development of advanced counselling and supervisory competence; application of ethical principles to counselling and supervisory practice. EDU 6101 Seminar in Health Professions Education (3 units). Examination of the working functions of administration in relation to people within and otherwise associated with educational organizations; study of motivation and decision-making within static and dynamic situations and of conflict within organizations. EDU 6593 Fondements en mesure et testing (3 crédits). Les cours PSY 5104 et EDU 5504 ne peuvent être commbinés pour l'obtention de crédits. Das Masterstudium Lehramt Sekundarstufe Allgemeinbildung wird in der Kooperation Entwicklungsverbund Süd-Ost (EVSO) angeboten.. Ziel des Studiums ist die Berufsausbildung und Berufsbefähigung für das Lehramt im Bereich Sekundarstufe Allgemeinbildung und somit die Erlangung der Berufsberechtigung für den Einsatz an Schulen der Sekundarstufe. Critical examination of selected helping techniques; critical examination of ethical and legal issues in counselling psychology. profile, Visit the EDU 5105 Inter-Professional Education in the Health Professions (3 units). Konsolidierter Studienplan (inkl. Une analyse du développement professionnel avec insistance sur les problèmes du choix de carrière et d'adaptation. Analyse critique des principes, des méthodes et des techniques de gestion de la qualité totale appliquées à l'organisation scolaire. Étude des théories et pratiques reliées à l'interdépendance professionnelle du travail et de l'éducation dans le domaine de la santé. Stage clinique supervisé d'un minimum de 200 heures dans un centre offrant des services de counselling personnel et/ou de carrière. EDU 5473 Theories of Career Development (3 units). Students who started their program in September 2014 or will start in January 2015 must consult the program description available in the Archive section. Démarche vers une intégration des savoirs théoriques et pratiques qui doit contribuer à la pratique éducative. Description et analyse critique d'études et de pratiques de différenciation auprès de l'apprenant en difficulté. Préalables: EDU 5299 ou PSY 7103 ou PSY 7503 ou CRM 6359 ou CRM 6759, EDU 6771 Thèmes choisis en psychologie du counselling (3 crédits). Développement de programmes et contextes de formation. Étude des fondements et des pratiques en matière de conception de programmes d'études pour les professionnels de la santé. coursework option: 3 full-time terms or 12 consecutive months, M.Ed. The programs are offered in English and French and are governed by the general regulations in effect for graduate studies. Analyse critique des modèles de mises en pratique de ces théories en situation d'apprentissage. Critical examination of educational issues in historical perspective: exploration of the roles of race, class, ethnicity, religion and gender in education; historical narratives and their implications. EDU 5101 Perspectives in Education (3 units).