Kiel (CAU, FH, Muthesius), Lübeck (Uni, TH, Musikhochschule) und; Flensburg (Europa-Universität, Hochschule). Verlust/Defekt und nachträgliche Erstausstellung, Antrag auf Neuerstellung der CAU Card (pdf), Laden Sie zunächst ein aktuelles Foto auf unsere Server hoch. The formalities involved in ending your enrolment at the University should normally be taken care of in person during office hours. Founded in 1743, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) is now one of the largest research universities in Germany with 39.000 students. With more than 6,900 students, the Kiel University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule Kiel ["FH Kiel"]) is the largest University of Applied Sciences in Schleswig-Holstein. Schöne Haare: Schöne Haare zaubert man dir hier für 26 € statt 28€ (Trockenhaarschnitt Damen lang) bzw. Einzige Volluniversität und wissenschaftliches Zentrum von Schleswig-Holstein. Despite a history dating back to 1665, Kiel University is a modern state university in the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein. Buslinien zur Universität (CAU): 6, 50, 60S, 61, 62, 81 und 91. Mit der ISIC kannst du dich weltweit als Student oder Schüler ausweisen und sämtliche Vorteile und Vergünstigungen des Studentenlebens genießen. In the recent years Christian Albrecht University of Kiel has a stable position in the top 20 universities of Germany and does not plan to give it away. It is often referred to as the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Phone (+49) 431 880 1038 Chief Operating Officer. Study more efficiently for your courses at Universität Zu Kiel Millions of flashcards & summaries ⭐ Get started for free with StudySmarter Sign up now! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. if the obligation to contribute to the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein and the student body was not fulfilled. Please use your stu-number ( and your password (the same as the one for your stu-mail and QIS). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. We recommend that you speak to the academic advisors of the subject(s) you wish to transfer into for the coming semester. The Semester Fee can be paid by using a transfer slip at your bank of choice. Currently there are 7 stations installed at following sites: We recommend the use of a protective cover for the CAU Card. Beantrage online die Karte deiner Wahl Hochschulsport Uni Kiel: Ein vielfältiges In den Genuss toller Lesungen verschiedener Autoren kommst du dank Studentenausweis günstiger. vorhandene Geldbeträge der alten Karte beim Studentenwerk auszahlen lassen. §40 des Hochschulgesetzes. At the same time, the validity as prepaid card for the Canteen is renewed. Phone (+49) 431 880 1843 Academic credit deriving from your previous studies may be granted by the Prüfungsamt, the academic testing office, of the subject of your choice. D - 24118 Kiel . Students of Medicine, Dentistry or Pharmacology who are EU citizens may only apply via Hochschulstart (only German). The latest social survey carried out by the Deutsche Studentenwerke shows that in … Photo: Bevis Nickel. Sportzentrum der CAU Kiel Hochschulsportbüro Olshausenstraße 70-74. Westring 385 in der Mensa 1, 24118 Kiel. Students granted a leave of absence must pay the semester fee in amount of € 266,50 for summer semester 2021. Since then we, the team of the Graduate Center, are supporting the doctoral candidates of the university during their doctorate.. We would be delighted if you want to congratule us and will post your wishes on our anniversary website. Founded in 1386, Ruperto Carola is the oldest university in today's Germany and one of Europe’s leading research institutions. Bei der Erstellung einer neuen Karte erfolgt diese Sperrung automatisch. It is also the only fully-fledged university in the state. Neuerstellung bei Verlust / Defekt. Academic credit and duration of enrolment as a guest auditor may be granted as provided for under the applicable official degree requirements. Earning money alongside studying is a way of life for many students in Germany. Cooperating departments The Master’s degree programme in Quantitative Finance is offered by the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Sciences in cooperation with the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Mathematics This lecture gives an introduction to control systems starting with the mathematical foundations of linear systems via the systematic linear controller design in both frequency and time domain to the state-feedback control with state-observer. MBWFK Schl.-H-2004 of 4th October, 2001, p. 307), individuals who attend courses offered by the University as guest auditors must pay a fee of €100 each semester. Instructions_Refund  (only in German Language). Öffnungszeiten während der Feiertage. Mit dem der Karte beiliegenden Anschreiben können Sie sich ggf. The five faculties cover the entire spectrum of modern academic disciplines – from humanities, social sciences and theology to medicine, law, economics, sciences and engineering. University ranking. Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. You are going to receive your Exmatrikulationsbescheinigung (certificate of conclusion of enrolment) and your Rentenbescheinigung (certificate of public retirement insurance) on the spot. In courses of study with limited enrolment, guest auditors may attend. Once your status has been approved and the paperwork has been processed, your guest auditor ID will be returned to you.      and take note on following   For any other questions, please contact the Studierendenservice via According to government rules on fees effective as of 11th August, 2004 (NBl. Attention!!! The course instructor must also give his or her consent to the guest auditor’s participation in a given course. Further information is provided on the homepage after you log into your account. It is also possible to drop off the documents for Exmatrikulation – the Antrag (application) at the information room of the International Center in a self-addressed, stamped envelope, or, likewise, to send these to the International Center by mail. Kiel University uses this email in order to share very important information, such as dates for exam registration, examinations, or advices for re-registration (payment of semester fee) for each semester. (find it on your welcome document). Anjuta from the Ukraine: "Our academics at Kiel University enjoy a good reputation.". Die Uni Leipzig verlangt 69,- Euro im Semester. It is not possible to be granted a leave of absence for the first semester of study or for the first semester of enrolment at Kiel University. Fax : +49 431 880-1666 Students who are already enroled in a particular field of study at Kiel University can change their major subject or their degree sought prior to the beginning of each semester. (you could check your status by using the campus management system). It has an urban campus located in Kiel. Student certificates are created as PDF files and can be forwarded as an attachment. Alumni Relations Management brings people together who can support each other’s professional and personal development. Der internationale Studentenausweis für Studenten und Schüler ab 12 Jahre. two Clusters of Excellence; two Deutsche Zentren der Gesundheitsforschung; and numerous other national an international projects. Niemannsweg 152, 24105 Kiel (2 km from university; residential district of Kiel, 300 m from the Kiel Fjord) Individuals receiving state financial assistance may apply for permission to pay a reduced fee of €20. Kiel University is Germany's northernmost State University and the scientific centre of Schleswig-Holstein. Validierung der CAU Card . Die Validierungsfunktion kann durch den Studierendenservice gesperrt werden. For technical support, please send an email to Wenn Sie Ihre CAU Card verloren haben oder Ihre CAU Card einen Defekt aufweist, können Sie eine neue CAU Card beantragen. This is the initial stage for these features. Gültigkeitsbereich für das regionale Semesterticket Kiel finden Sie hier . 4 Satz 2 HSG) the policies of the other institution allow its students to enroll at other institutions. To do so, please use your stu number (user ID) and your password (the same as the one for your stu-mail and QIS) to log on to: To find the documents, you navigate through the menu as follows: „My Functions - Student Service - Reports“. The relevant pre-prints (application, guest auditor ID and wire-transfer slip) can be picked up at the International Center. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel — Deutschlandstipendium Neither the bank transfer of the money on the last day of the re-registration period, nor the cash paying of the amount at the counter of the Studentenwerk or payment by debit card on the last day of the re-registration period is right in time!! You can also maintain your contact and address information online. Das Semesterticket muss jedes Semester neu bestellt werden, so wie jedes Semester eine Rückmeldung an der Hochschule nötig ist. Mit dem Studentenausweis darf man zwischen 19:00 und 05:00Uhr auch die öffentlichen Busse und Bahnen nutzen. The Graduate Center celebrates its 10th anniversary! Wenn Sie Ihre CAU Card verloren haben oder Ihre CAU Card einen Defekt aufweist, können Sie eine neue CAU Card beantragen. It is possible to apply for and be granted a leave of absence from your studies if you can demonstrate that you have an especially important reason for doing so: A leave of absence is normally granted for the duration of one semester. In December 2020, 481 000 people have started their studies at Polish universities. Buslinien zur Kunsthochschule (MH): 50 und 51 Internationaler studentenausweis uni kiel Der internationale Studentenausweis hilft dir beim Sparen während Ausbildung& Studium Lies hier wichtiges zum internationalen Studentenausweis! Change of contact details - Download of certificates, International students - application & admission, The sole basis for re-registration is the timely payment of the semester fee in amount of, Attention!!! Montag, Dienstag & Donnerstag: 10.00 – 14.00 Uhr. The course administration is available for participants as well as trainers at       please use these Kiel University, Student Admission and Registry, Auf rund 60 Seiten berichtet STUDI-Info sowohl über das Bewerbungsverfahren für die medizinischen Fächer als auch über das Zulassungsverfahren für staatliche Universitäten und Fachhochschulen mit örtlichem NC, private Hochschulen und duale Studiengänge.PDF Download After succesful enrolment Students have received the stu-account: otherwise you will miss this important information!