2. The Member State may maintain its national interim protective measures until the Community measures have been adopted. This Regulation provides the basis for the assurance of a high level of protection of human health and consumers' interest in relation to food, taking into account in particular the diversity in the supply of food including traditional products, whilst ensuring the effective functioning of the internal market. It is a comprehensive policy evaluation assessing whether the legislative framework introduced by the General Food Law Regulation for the entire food and feed sector is 'fit for purpose' and whether it captures and reflects policy trends of today. (d) a Scientific Committee and Scientific Panels. 3. The Authority shall publish all opinions issued by it in accordance with Article 38. Food that complies with specific Community provisions governing food safety shall be deemed to be safe insofar as the aspects covered by the specific Community provisions are concerned. It shall inform the competent authorities of the action taken to prevent risk arising from the use of that feed and shall not prevent or discourage any person from cooperating, in accordance with national law and legal practice, with the competent authorities, where this may prevent, reduce or eliminate a risk arising from a feed.4. věst. Use, Other sites managed by the Publications Office, http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2002/178/oj, Portal of the Publications Office of the EU. It shall aim at the prevention of:(a) fraudulent or deceptive practices;(b) the adulteration of food; and(c) any other practices which may mislead the consumer.SECTION 2PRINCIPLES OF TRANSPARENCYArticle 9Public consultationThere shall be open and transparent public consultation, directly or through representative bodies, during the preparation, evaluation and revision of food law, except where the urgency of the matter does not allow it.Article 10Public informationWithout prejudice to the applicable provisions of Community and national law on access to documents, where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a food or feed may present a risk for human or animal health, then, depending on the nature, seriousness and extent of that risk, public authorities shall take appropriate steps to inform the general public of the nature of the risk to health, identifying to the fullest extent possible the food or feed, or type of food or feed, the risk that it may present, and the measures which are taken or about to be taken to prevent, reduce or eliminate that risk.SECTION 3GENERAL OBLIGATIONS OF FOOD TRADEArticle 11Food and feed imported into the CommunityFood and feed imported into the Community for placing on the market within the Community shall comply with the relevant requirements of food law or conditions recognised by the Community to be at least equivalent thereto or, where a specific agreement exists between the Community and the exporting country, with requirements contained therein.Article 12Food and feed exported from the Community1. "food business operator" means the natural or legal persons responsible for ensuring that the requirements of food law are met within the food business under their control;4. The Authority shall commence its operations on 1 January 2002. Where the Authority has already delivered a scientific opinion on the specific topic in a request, it may refuse the request if it concludes there are no new scientific elements justifying the re-examination. It establishes the European Food Safety Authority. DisplayLogo . Where it is evident that food or feed originating in the Community or imported from a third country is likely to constitute a serious risk to human health, animal health or the environment, and that such risk cannot be contained satisfactorily by means of measures taken by the Member State(s) concerned, the Commission, acting in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 58(2) on its own initiative or at the request of a Member State, shall immediately adopt one or more of the following measures, depending on the gravity of the situation: (a) in the case of food or feed of Community origin: (i) suspension of the placing on the market or use of the food in question; (ii) suspension of the placing on the market or use of the feed in question; (iii) laying down special conditions for the food or feed in question; (iv) any other appropriate interim measure; (b) in the case of food or feed imported from a third country: (i) suspension of imports of the food or feed in question from all or part of the third country concerned and, where applicable, from the third country of transit; (ii) laying down special conditions for the food or feed in question from all or part of the third country concerned; (iii) any other appropriate interim measure. 3. This should be facilitated by a rotation of the different countries of origin of the members of the Management Board without any post being reserved for nationals of any specific Member State. (63) The measures necessary for the implementation of this Regulation should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission(18). Death and burial records include tombstone inscriptions, burial permits, death indexes and death certificates. The Member States, the Community agencies concerned and the Commission shall reply as a matter of urgency and forward any relevant information in their possession. The procedures for the operation and cooperation of the Scientific Committee and the Scientific Panels shall be laid down in the Authority's internal rules. 3. It may be called upon to give opinions on contentious scientific issues, thereby enabling the Community institutions and Member States to take informed risk management decisions necessary to ensure food and feed safety whilst helping avoid the fragmentation of the internal market through the adoption of unjustified or unnecessary obstacles to the free movement of food and feed. 1. It shall provide opinions on multisectoral issues falling within the competence of more than one Scientific Panel, and on issues which do not fall within the competence of any of the Scientific Panels.Where necessary, and particularly in the case of subjects which do not fall within the competence of any of the Scientific Panels, the Scientific Committee shall set up working groups. 1). Use the ‘more’ link to open the changes and effects relevant to the provision you are viewing. The Court of Justice shall have jurisdiction in any dispute relating to compensation for such damage.3. The general plan shall specify the types of situation involving direct or indirect risks to human health deriving from food and feed which are not likely to be prevented, eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level by provisions in place or cannot adequately be managed solely by way of the application of Articles 53 and 54. Scroll down for all important documents related to this publishing. 76). 3. Indicates the geographical area that this provision applies to. 4. This Regulation shall apply to all stages of production, processing and distribution of food and feed. "food business" means any undertaking, whether for profit or not and whether public or private, carrying out any of the activities related to any stage of production, processing and distribution of food; 3. Such a comprehensive approach to emergency food safety measures should allow effective action to be taken and avoid artificial disparities in the treatment of a serious risk in relation to food or feed. However, for the first mandate, this period shall be six years for half of the members.3. The Authority shall have legal personality. Before 31 January each year, the Management Board shall adopt the Authority's programme of work for the coming year. Unless otherwise provided, the Management Board shall act by a majority of its members. Directive as last amended by Commission Directive 2001/57/EC. Member States shall enforce food law, and monitor and verify that the relevant requirements of food law are fulfilled by food and feed business operators at all stages of production, processing and distribution.For that purpose, they shall maintain a system of official controls and other activities as appropriate to the circumstances, including public communication on food and feed safety and risk, food and feed safety surveillance and other monitoring activities covering all stages of production, processing and distribution.Member States shall also lay down the rules on measures and penalties applicable to infringements of food and feed law. The reports and recommendations referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be forwarded to the Council and the European Parliament.Article 62References to the European Food Safety Authority and to the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health1. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Articles 37, 95, 133 and Article 152(4)(b) thereof. The Executive Director may also ask the Advisory Forum for advice on the prioritisation of requests for scientific opinions.4. Food and feed business operators at all stages of production, processing and distribution within the businesses under their control shall ensure that foods or feeds satisfy the requirements of food law which are relevant to their activities and shall verify that such requirements are met.2. 4. The principles laid down in Articles 5 to 10 shall form a general framework of a horizontal nature to be followed when measures are taken. Directive as last amended by Directive 92/41/EEC) (OJ L 158, 11.6.1992, p. 4. (20) The precautionary principle has been invoked to ensure health protection in the Community, thereby giving rise to barriers to the free movement of food or feed. (3) Opinion delivered on 14 June 2001 (not yet published in the Official Journal). If agreement cannot be reached, the Commission may request an opinion on any relevant contentious scientific issue from the Authority. "stages of production, processing and distribution" means any stage, including import, from and including the primary production of a food, up to and including its storage, transport, sale or supply to the final consumer and, where relevant, the importation, production, manufacture, storage, transport, distribution, sale and supply of feed;17. 2. If invited to do so, they may assist for the purposes of clarification or information but shall not seek to influence discussions.9. The measures for implementing Article 50 shall be adopted by the Commission, after discussion with the Authority, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 58(2). (51) The establishment of the Authority should enable Member States to become more closely involved in scientific procedures. (19) OJ L 214, 24.8.1993, p. 1. "risk communication" means the interactive exchange of information and opinions throughout the risk analysis process as regards hazards and risks, risk-related factors and risk perceptions, among risk assessors, risk managers, consumers, feed and food businesses, the academic community and other interested parties, including the explanation of risk assessment findings and the basis of risk management decisions;14. The Authority shall issue a scientific opinion: (a) at the request of the Commission, in respect of any matter within its mission, and in all cases where Community legislation makes provision for the Authority to be consulted; (b) on its own initiative, on matters falling within its mission. Where the Authority has information leading it to suspect an emerging serious risk, it shall request additional information from the Member States, other Community agencies and the Commission. Food and feed business operators shall be able to identify any person from whom they have been supplied with a food, a feed, a food-producing animal, or any substance intended to be, or expected to be, incorporated into a food or feed. In order to ensure the manageability and consistency of the process of scientific advice, the Authority should be able to refuse or amend a request providing justification for this and on the basis of predetermined criteria. Directive as last amended by Commission Directive 2001/57/EC. 178/2002 AL PARLAMENTULUI EUROPEAN ȘI AL CONSILIULUI din 28 ianuarie 2002 de stabilire a principiilor și a cerințelor generale ale legislației alimentare, de instituire a Autorității Europene pentru Siguranța Alimentară și de stabilire a procedurilor în domeniul siguranței produselor alimentare. It sets out an overarching and coherent framework for the development of food and feed legislation both at Union and national levels. If agreement cannot be reached, the Commission may request an opinion on any relevant contentious scientific issue from the Authority. Every reference in Community legislation to the Scientific Committee on Food, the Scientific Committee on Animal Nutrition, the Scientific Veterinary Committee, the Scientific Committee on Pesticides, the Scientific Committee on Plants and the Scientific Steering Committee shall be replaced by a reference to the European Food Safety Authority.2. 2. 2. The Authority shall search for, collect, collate, analyse and summarise relevant scientific and technical data in the fields within its mission. (24) It is necessary to ensure that food and feed exported or re-exported from the Community complies with Community law or the requirements set up by the importing country. (47) The Authority's role as an independent scientific point of reference means that a scientific opinion may be requested not only by the Commission, but also by the European Parliament and the Member States. The measures and penalties provided for shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.Article 18Traceability1. Reglamento (CE) n° 178/2002 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 28 de enero de 2002, por el que se establecen los principios y los requisitos generales de la legislación alimentaria, se crea la Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria y se fijan procedimientos relativos a la seguridad alimentaria. Where a substantive divergence over scientific issues has been identified and the body in question is a Community agency or one of the Commission's Scientific Committees, the Authority and the body concerned shall be obliged to cooperate with a view to either resolving the divergence or presenting a joint document to the Commission clarifying the contentious scientific issues and identifying the relevant uncertainties in the data. The authorities receiving information covered by professional secrecy shall ensure its protection in conformity with paragraph 1.SECTION 2EMERGENCIESArticle 53Emergency measures for food and feed of Community origin or imported from a third country1. (31) Similar requirements should apply to feed and feed business operators. (8) OJ L 228, 11.8.1992, p. The Authority, Commission and Member States shall cooperate to promote the effective coherence between risk assessment, risk management and risk communication functions. The Scientific Committee and permanent Scientific Panels shall be responsible for providing the scientific opinions of the Authority, each within their own spheres of competence, and shall have the possibility, where necessary, of organising public hearings.2. Regolamento (CE) n. 178/2002 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 28 gennaio 2002 che stabilisce i principi e i requisiti generali della legislazione alimentare, istituisce l'Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare e fissa procedure nel campo della sicurezza alimentare "risk management" means the process, distinct from risk assessment, of weighing policy alternatives in consultation with interested parties, considering risk assessment and other legitimate factors, and, if need be, selecting appropriate prevention and control options; 13. The evaluation and the recommendations shall be made public. Skip to content. (62) In order to ensure a more effective, comprehensive approach to the food chain, a Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health should be established to replace the Standing Veterinary Committee, the Standing Committee for Foodstuffs and the Standing Committee for Feedingstuffs. (54) The independence of the Authority and its role in informing the public mean that it should be able to communicate autonomously in the fields falling within its competence, its purpose being to provide objective, reliable and easily understandable information. Due to a high volume of changes being made to legislation for EU exit, we have not been able to research and record them all. Download X. 1. Competence of the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products. A feed business operator responsible for retail or distribution activities which do not affect the packaging, labelling, safety or integrity of the feed shall, within the limits of its respective activities, initiate procedures to withdraw from the market products not in compliance with the feed-safety requirements and shall participate in contributing to the safety of food by passing on relevant information necessary to trace a feed, cooperating in the action taken by producers, processors, manufacturers and/or the competent authorities.3. Where there are no specific Community provisions, feed shall be deemed to be safe when it conforms to the specific provisions of national law governing feed safety of the Member State in whose territory the feed is in circulation, such provisions being drawn up and applied without prejudice to the Treaty, in particular Articles 28 and 30 thereof.