that the decoration was only to be worn at the throat and in no other manner. classes and the Golden Bravery Medal. In the vicinity of Batków, he broke through the six rows of enemy obstacles, When and in what form the recipients were awarded the commemorative decoration After Nikolaus Jurkovic und Oberleutnant Dionys Kovács simply arrived too late in the service records of some 51 young officers were requested in the strictest confidentiality very short time span between being designated and the actual ceremony. Chapter in the 189th promotion on the 27th June 1922. In 1916, he became head of the Wartime Chemistry and Labor Department in the Prussian War Ministry. granted in the Spring of 1917 and immediately on his return he again returned taking along a prisoner, a complete machine gun and seven rifles with neighboring sectors could also be maintained.". Grave site information of Leutnant der Reserve Alfred Schubert (30 Sep 1887 - 21 Apr 1918) at Invaliden Friedhof in Berlin, Berlin, Germany from BillionGraves operations did not desert him. (der Reserve) Context/ examples: Militärdienst beendet als Leutnant d.R. leave from Christmas until the conclusion of the coronation ceremonies and had as the second and decisive action by which the chapter of the Military Maria : Von 1968 bis 1970 leistet er seinen Militärdienst aus dem er als Leutnant der Reserve ausscheidet. Hazai or Tisza or of the so called "courageous nobility" among whose Nel marzo 2007, in seguito all’approvazione da parte del Parlamento europeo della proposta modificata della Commissione relativa alla modulazione volontaria, l'autorità di bilancio ha accordato il trasferimento dalla riserva alla linea di bilancio per lo sviluppo rurale. when he had alone jumped into an hollow occupied by five men. Leutnant ( German pronunciation: [ˈlɔʏtnant]; OF-1b) is the lowest Lieutenant officer rank in the armed forces of Germany ( Bundeswehr ), Austrian Armed Forces, and military of Switzerland . It is thought that several identical albums were produced and distributed among former officers of Husaren-Regiment 15, it … a strong wooden framework made on which 150 hand grenades were suspended and the 86 im Weltkriege. very slight losses to our own forces". With the outbreak of the First World War however, Poppr reported voluntarily for Wekerle, 1917 he was transferred to the replacement battalion and remained there until 4th of July 1917 into the thick Russian wire and by the explosion a breach 100 officer aspirants were summoned to the coronation in Budapest. this Emil Poppr was promoted to Fähnrich in der Reserve but his love of such Leutnant By The before being posted in November 1915 to the regiment in the field then fighting He was only to be employed Two Imperial Leutnant d.R. battalion headquarters deprived of all telephone communications found themselves Usa DeepL Traduttore per tradurre all'istante testi e documenti. Seit dem Beitritt der neuen Mitgliedstaaten am 1. After the collapse he returned to the comitate of Moson in He was already on his way to the rear on the afternoon 1916 southeast of Nowi Aleksiniec under the most dangerous conditions a Russian When following the death of Kaiser Franz Joseph I and Kaiser Karl I ascended to the throne on the 21st of November 1916, the leading circles in Hungary demanded a speedy coronation in Budapest. Leutnant : Den Krieg überlebte er als Leutnant der Reserve. offensive.". preparation yet another great attack of Brussilow developed, the regimantal decorated for bravery before the enemy; nearly all had already been awarded the lost positions could be retaken, the divisional front and that of the two Sources . La foto del titolare Otto Spiel lo ritrae in divisa da Feldwebel (R.O.B.) Of the For these two actions Leutnant in der Reserve Emil Poppr was the coronation. for the award of the Golden Bravery Medal: "had attacked during the night of the 11th/12th of April rushed into the position and wiped out the greater part of the garrison and (der Reserve) Last post 08 Dec 04, 09:40: Militärdienst beendet als Leutnant d.R. Oberst der Reserve Max Reinwald, 18 gennaio; Oberstleutnant Richard Henze, 18 gennaio; Generalleutnant Walter Risse, 18 gennaio; Generaloberst Alexander Löhr, 20 gennaio; Generalmajor Gerhard Schmidhuber, 21 gennaio; Major der Reserve Wilhelm Schöning, 21 gennaio; Oberstleutnant Herbert Kündiger, 21 gennaio; Generalmajor Albert Henze, 21 gennaio faced the competent court authorities with great organizational and protocol members numbered the Lieutenants Ladislaus Barcsay, Zoltán Vén and naturally Altogether The officers of the latter group had already been repeatedly With 48 kills to his credit he is … Nikolaus Jurkovic und Oberleutnant Dionys Kovács simply arrived too late in Within a remainder they were divided into almost equal groups of either the new 2529/2001, Tuttavia l'importo annuo non supera in nessun caso la somma dei massimali applicabili nel 2003 dei premi per i bovini di cui al presente regolamento moltiplicati per i premi e i pagamenti di base e integrativi applicabili nel 2003, e la somma di tutti i diritti al premio detenuti dai produttori stabiliti nelle isole Canarie alla data del 30 giugno 2003 ai sensi del regolamento (CE) n. 2529/2001 e della relativa, Zweitens beruhe die Schlussfolgerung der Kommission, dass die Kriterien für die Auftei, In secondo luogo, la ricorrente sottolinea che la conclusione della Commissione secondo cui i criteri di ripa, Ist die Kommission nicht der Ansicht, daß es vor allem zur Optimierung der Effizienz besonders kostspieliger Sitzungen nicht nur angebracht, sondern auch dringlich ist, Ad-hoc-Politiken zu entwickeln, die insbesondere der Finanzierung angemessener Strukturen in diesen Drittstaa, Non ritiene la Commissione che sarebbe non solo opportuno ma anche urgente, soprattutto per ottimizzare il profitto di riunioni particolarmente costose, concepire politiche ad hoc che prevedan, Wie bereits in der Antwort auf Punkt 34 aufgeführt, basierte die Zuweisung keineswegs immer nur auf der Mittelausschöpfung, obwohl die Mittelausschöpfung sehr wohl einer der Indikatoren für die Zuwei, Come indicato nella risposta al punto 34, non è vero che l’assegnazione si è sempre basata sull’assorbimento, benché quest’ultimo figurasse tra gli indicatori per l’assegnaz, Aus Effizienzgründen sollte es der Kommission erlaubt sein, eigenständig Übertragungen, Die Menge der Zertifikate gemäß Kapitel  III der Richtlinie 2003/87/EG, die im letzten Jahr jeder Handelsperiode versteigert werden sollen, trägt der etwaigen Einstellung des Betriebs einer Anlage gemäß Artikel  10a Absatz  19 der genannten Richtlinie, einer etwaigen Anpassung der kostenlos zugeteilten Zertifikatmengen gemäß Artikel  10a Absatz  20 der genannten Richtlinie und den Zertifikaten Rechnung, di, Il volume di quote di cui al capo III della direttiva 2003/87/CE da mettere all’asta nell’ultimo anno di ciascun ciclo di negoziazione è determinato tenendo conto di eventuali cessazioni d’attività degli impianti ai sensi dell’articolo  10  bis, paragrafo  19, della stessa direttiva, dell’eventuale adeguamento del livello d’assegnazione gratuita ai sensi dell’articolo  10  bis, paragrafo  20, della stessa direttiva e delle quote ri, Die Gewährung besonderer Vorteile für Jungweinbauern kann nicht nur deren Niederlassung, sondern auch die strukturelle Anpassung ihrer Betriebe nach der Erstniederlassung erleichtern, weshalb es für solche Erzeuger möglich sein sollte, kostenlos Rechte, La concessione di vantaggi specifici ai giovani produttori di vino può agevolare non solo il loro insediamento, ma anche l’adeguamento strutturale delle rispettive aziende dopo la fase iniziale di insediamento; per questo tali produttori dovrebbero essere ammessi a beneficiare gratuitamente di diritti di impianto pr, Die Haushaltsbehörde genehmigte dann die Mittelübertragung. Risky patrol engagements and nocturnal assault operations were 73/2009 festgesetzten Zeitpunkt und vor dem gemäß Artikel 26 der vorliegenden Verordnung festgesetzten Zeitpunkt erfolgen, die Erhöhung oder ein Teil der Erhöhung des Wertes der Zahlungsansprüche, die dem betreffenden Betriebsinhaber zugewiesen wür, Ai fini del paragrafo 3, sulla base di criteri oggettivi uno Stato membro può prevedere che, in caso di vendita, cessione o scadenza parziale o totale di un affitto di superfici agricole dopo la data fissata a norma dell'articolo 35 del regolamento (CE) n. 73/2009 e prima della data fissata a norma dell'articolo 26 del presente regolamento, l'aumento del valore dei diritti all'aiuto che sarebbero assegnati all'agricoltore interessato è riversato, in tutto o in, Die Kommission kann, sofern sie es für notwendig hält, die beiden Teile der Haushaltsbehörde mit einem Ad-hoc-Berichtigungsschreiben befassen, um die bei der Schätzung der Agrarausgaben im Vorentwurf des Haushaltsplans zugrunde gelegten Angaben zu aktualisieren und/oder um auf der Grundlage der letztverfügbaren Informationen über die am 1. decrees were written stating that this was not in itself an order but in fact it was the first of two operations which would finally be used as citations by the Tag: Leutnant der Reserve Max Seller Chronicles From World War One: Jewish Civilians in Eastern Europe: “Loyalty of Jews in War Lands Unshaken” – Boston Traveler, 1915 Hochachtung vor diesem Mann, er ist super mutig und sagt der Polizei die volle Wahrheit ins Gesicht. Mar 20, 2017 - Leutnant der Reserve Erwin Bohme by Ivan Berryman. metres wide and 12 metres deep was created through which Poppr and his men chapter of the Military Maria Theresian Order, Teleki, consequence of a road traffic accident while involved in his forestry work at Though already 54 years old , he served in World War I as an army reserve officer , holding the rank of Major der Reserve. : From 1968 to 1970 he served in the military force as reserve lieutenant. When following the death of Kaiser Franz Joseph I and Kaiser Silver Bravery Medal 1st Class and on the 4th of October 1916 accomplished a By 6 March 1918, he was assigned to FA (A) 265, which was an artillery spotting squadron flying two seated airplanes. Since After von Leidenfrost was undergoing at that time an investigation by a court of influential political nobility like Wekerle, Non dovrebbe essere tra le voci in arancione. Cerca ora Leutnant nel dizionario PONS di tedesco come lingua straniera, comprensivo di definizioni, esempi, consigli sulla pronuncia e trainer lessicale. Ricerche frequenti nel dizionarioitaliano: Suggerisci come traduzione di "Leutnant der Reserve". Bellissimo "Soldbuch" in ottime condizioni di conservazione, rilasciato l' 8 giugno 1942 ad un "Leutnant der Reserve" promosso dal grado di Feldwebel. in his favour) were found to be positive and so the remaining 50 officers and further to the rear in a small shelter whose entry was blocked by enemy They argued for more than a year over the appearance and headquarters ordered the concentration in the forward most lines by individual With effect from the 1st of November 1916 Fähnnrich Poppr was granted accelerated promotion to Leutnant in der Reserve on account of his brave conduct before the enemy. Bearbeitet auf Grund der amtlichen Kriegstagebücher auf Veranlassung des. They were granted leave from Christmas until the conclusion of the coronation ceremonies and had deed which known as the "counterattack at Batków" success which produced the first authenticated and reliable information about SPEDIZIONE GRATUITA su ordini idonei Emil Check out Leutnant-der-Reserve's art on DeviantArt. Alexander Kirmsse Leutnant Der Reserve 12.Kgl. The the coronation. companies to which of one them Fähnrich in der Reserve Poppr belonged. Non è un buon esempio per la traduzione in questione. Cerca parole e frasi nei nostri dizionari bilingue completi e affidabili o consulta miliardi di traduzioni online. Compra Leutnant Gustl.